Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nostalgia Marketing (Consumer Behavior)

1. A great thing about nostalgia marketing is being able to remind people of the happiness and good times they had when they were younger, whether it was when they were teenagers or when they were little children. Many people reminisce on things they've done or enjoyed in the past. One of the things that makes me feel nostalgic are Lunchables.

Although they offer little to no nutritional value, I love them. It doesn't fill me up as a normal lunch would do, but I can't help but smile whenever I rip open the package and start making my own little pizza. I remember always accompanying my mom to Safeway and begging her to buy me these as a lunch to bring to school. Of course I always ate it the second I got home, but they made my childhood a little happier! Now that I think about it, I would never pay $3 for a package of small treats. The only  thing that would justify those $3 is my happiness.

The only disadvantage I see in nostalgia marketing is if the product wasn't liked in the past. For example, if you're marketing otter pops as the #1 treat of 1999 and many kids stole my otter pops when I was young, there is a big chance that I wouldn't buy those otter pops.

2. Yes, I think there are some products or brands for which nostalgia marketing would not be successful. Very recent technology products, like any of the smart phones that are out now, would not work because it wasn't around "back then." You can't really say, "remember spinning the number dial on telephones in the past? Yeah, you can't do that now with the iPhone." However, I guess you could offer a music app that let you listen to songs of your era ...

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