Television Advertisement (featured around the holiday season)
Scene 1 - There is an outdoor view of a house. We can see the mom cooking dinner in the kitchen and the kids playing in the living room.
Scene 2 - The camera closes in on just the kitchen. The mom, Linda, is still in her workout clothes and an apron. She is on the phone, her kids are yelling, and she is trying to make dinner all at the same time. (Imagine the stress that Linda is going through right now.)
Scene 3 - The camera moves to Linda in her bedroom. She is trying on all her jeans for the dinner party tonight, but NOTHING fits. (In the commercial, you can see her jeans flying all over the place.) She is doing everything she can to make the pants fit - holding her breath, trying to squeeze into them, and stretching the jeans with her hands. But nothing works. All of her friends are already over at her house and she has no time to go out and purchase a new pair.
Scene 4 - Suddenly, one of Linda's friends, Molly, walks into her bedroom and asks, "what's wrong?" In this clip, we can see Molly wearing her purse with the waistband stretcher in it. Linda explains to Molly what happened. Molly says, "I was going to give this to you earlier, but I think it would be best if you had it now!" Molly hands Linda the waistband stretcher.
Scene 5 - The scene then cuts to Linda, Molly, and all their friends at the dinner party. Linda is wearing her jeans, dancing the night away and flaunting her stuff. She notices Molly across the room and winks (dramatically) at her. Molly is shown with part of the the waistband stretcher sticking out of her purse, giving Linda a thumbs-up!
This television advertisement was meant to be a dramatic way of describing the waistband stretcher. Since the product is a little bit "out there," we wanted to make our advertisement silly.
Radio Advertisement (also featured around the holiday season)
Holiday bells are ringing as it begins.
Son: Thanks for the food, Mom! It looks good!
Family conversation is happening, all while enjoying dinner.
Sound effects: *pop!* (The sound of seams ripping and buttons popping surround the dinner table.)
Mom: Have you guys heard about the waistband stretcher? I just received mine in the mail today! After eating so much, I'm the only one whose pants didn't explode!
Everyone: Wow! So amazing!
Announcer: Introducing the waistband stretcher. Perfect for all those holiday dinners.
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