Sunday, February 3, 2013

Dietmar Dahmen

Because of Dietmar's enthusiasm and passion for advertising, he easily caught all of our attention while presenting his topic, "The Future of Advertisement", to us. I thought it was interesting when he talked about how different brands vs. consumers used to be compared to now. Brands used to talk and sell and consumers would listen and buy. Now brands talk and sell, but consumers talk more and sell also. I knew exactly what he was talking about because I see it all the time on YouTube.

Although I believe that YouTube is mostly “me-vertising”, brands sponsor many of these people who put up videos to feature their products. Not only can some brands give products to people to advertise, but many will be happy to go out, buy a product, and feature that without being paid. (The best example for this was the video that Dietmar showed us of someone demonstrating the art of lacing up shoes.)

All in all, Dietmar was a very compelling speaker and has made me think greatly about what advertising could become. Not only has it given many people jobs, but it has changed our world tremendously!

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